
尼爾 自動人形 (NieR Automata) 白金獎盃解鎖攻略


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尼爾 自動人形 (NieR Automata) 白金獎盃解鎖攻略



#1Final Words(結語) Thank you for playing. 真的…真的非常謝謝你
#2Resuscitated Body(涅槃) Stare into space from the Bunker. 從Bunker眺望宇宙
#3Vestiges of Prosperity(繁榮的痕跡) Arrive at the city ruins. 降落廢墟都市
#4It’s a Healthy Baby Boy!(恭喜!是個健康的男孩!) Complete the desert area. 完成沙漠地帶
#5We Await Your Next Visit(歡迎再次光臨……) Complete the amusement park ruins. 完成遊樂場廢墟
#6Creation and Insurrection(創造與叛逆) Complete the alien ship. 完成外星飛船
#7The Mechanical Kingdom(機械們的王國) Complete the forest castle. 完成森林城堡
#8Ruler of the Deep(海洋支配者) Complete the flooded city. 完成淹沒都市
#9Those Who Love Humans(憧憬人類之物) Complete the copied city. 完成克隆城市
#10Iron Soul(鐵之魂) Complete the abandoned factory. 完成工廠廢墟
#11One Battle Ends(戰鬥的終結) Achieve ending A. 完成結局A
#12A New Battle Begins(戰鬥的開始) Achieve ending B. 完成結局B
#13Final Wish(願望) Watch 2B die. 目睹2B的死
#14Treacherous Blade(復仇之刃) Control A2 for the first time. 初次操作A2
#15Farewell, Pascal(再見,Pascal) Grant Pascal’s final request. 答應Pascal最後的請求
#16Justice(正義) Stop all resource recovery units. 停止所有的資源回收模組
#17Crime and Punishment(罪與罰) Watch the final moments of Devola and Popola. 目睹Devola與Popola的最後一刻
#18Leaving for the New World(啟程) Achieve 9S’s ending. 完成9S結局
#19Beautiful World(美麗世界) Achieve A2’s ending. 完成A2結局
#20The Minds That Emerged(向著未來的意志) View the final credits. 觀看最終職員表
#21The Circle of Death(重複的死) Have your body collected. 回收自己的義體
#22Cherish Our Resources(重視資源) Have 100 bodies collected. 回收100體以上的義體
#23First Errand(第一次跑腿) Complete your first quest. 初次完成任務
#24The Mercenary(雇傭兵) 80% of all quests completed. 完成80%的任務
#25Information Master(情報強者) 80% of all archives found. 收集80%的檔案
#26Destruction is My Job(只是破壞敵人這種簡單的工作) 80% of all unit data unlocked. 收集80%的個體資訊
#27Chip Collector(晶片收集者) 80% of all plug-in chips collected. 收集80%的晶片
#28Weapons Maniac(兵器愛好者) All Pod programs obtained. 入手全部的Pod程式
#29Tools of the Trade(講究的工作道具) Any weapon upgraded to the highest level. 強化某樣武器至最高等級
#30Inorganic Blade(無機之刃) All weapons upgraded to the highest level. 強化所有武器至最高等級
#31Supreme Support Weapons(最強支援武器) All Pods upgraded to the highest level. 強化所有支援小機器人至最高等級
#32Fighting’s Not My Thing(戰非我意) Play your first hacking game. 首次進行駭入遊戲
#33A Scanner’s Power(掃描之力) 100 machine lifeforms destroyed by hacking. 駭入擊破100個機械生命體
#34Machines vs. Machines(機械對機械) 50 machine lifeforms destroyed by remote control. 在遠程操控下擊破50個機械生命體
#35The Power of Hate(憎惡之力) 50 machine lifeforms destroyed with berserk mode. 在狂暴模式下擊破50個機械生命體
#36Ruler of the Skies(空之霸者) 255 enemies destroyed using a flight unit. 用飛行器擊破255個敵人
#37Harvest King(採集王) Materials gathered at a hidden harvest point 10 times. 在隱藏採集點採集10次
#38Pod Hunter(Pod獵人) All Pods found. 找到所有的支援小機器人
#39Desire Without Emotion(無情之欲) At least 100,000 G in possession. 擁有超過10萬G以上的錢
#40Animal Rider(動物騎手) Any animal ridden for 5 kilometers. 騎著動物行進5km以上
#41A Round by the Pond(釣魚名人) 20 different kinds of fish caught. 釣起20種以上的魚
#42Wait! Don’t Kill Me!(等等!別殺我!) 10 friendly machine lifeforms destroyed. 摧毀10個NPC機械生命體
#43What Are You Doing?(你在看啥?) 2B’s secret discovered 10 times. 偷看10次2B的秘密
#44Not That I Mind…(那啥,我不介意來著) 1 hour played with 9S in a certain state. 出現那啥9S的那啥遊玩1小時的強者
#45Come Take a Look!(看一看,瞧一瞧!) Emil’s shop used for the first time. 首次使用埃米爾的商店
#46Naughty Children(熊孩子,是要受到懲罰的…) Emil destroyed. 擊破埃米爾
#47Transcendent Being(超越者) All endings achieved. 目擊全部結局
#48Lunar Tear(月之淚) The place of memories has been visited. 回憶的場所迎來了拜訪者

尼爾 自動人形 (NieR Automata) 攻略彙整目錄

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