
電馭叛客2077 (Cyberpunk 2077) 專長效果分享



再生Regeneration戰鬥中會緩慢恢復生命Health slowly regenerates during combat11被動
馱馬Pack Mule提升60點攜帶物品容量上限Increase carry capacity by 6011被動
不屈不撓Invincible提升10%生命上限Increase max health by 10%13被動
冠軍之勇True Grit提升10%體力上限Increases max Stamina by 10%13被動
身輕如燕Soft on your feet減少5%墜落傷害Reduces fall damage by 5%73被動
機體重生Epimorphosis戰鬥外生命最多恢復到70%(應該是指自動恢復)Health regenerates up to 70% of max health outside combat73被動
鋼鐵之軀Steel and Chrome增加10%近戰傷害Increases Melee damage by 10%92被動
角鬥士Gladiator近戰格擋時,減少20%體力消耗Reduces the amount of stamina consumed when blocking melee attacks by 20%92被動
分心二用Divided Attention可以在衝刺、滑行、跳躍時裝填武器Allows you to reload weaponss while sprinting, sliding and vaulting111被動
身輕如蝶Like a butterfly閃避時不再消耗體力Dodging does not drain Stamina111被動
並行處理Multitasker可以在衝刺、滑行、跳躍時射擊Allows you to shoot while sprinting, sliding and vaulting111被動
團結就是力量Stronger together搬運人體時傷害增加(用人體做掩護時)Increases damage you deal while carrying a body121被動
搬運工Transporter搬運人體時可以射擊或衝刺(用人體做掩護時)Allows you to shoot and sprint while carrying a body121被動
核心有氧Cardio core移動時生命恢復速度提高25%Health regenerates 25% faster as you move121被動
人肉盾牌Human shield劫持敵人時護甲提升20%Increases armor by 20% when grappling an enemy141被動
馬拉松跑者Marathoner衝刺不再消耗體力Sprinting does not drain stamina141被動
傭兵天賦Dog of War戰鬥中生命恢復速度提升15%Increases Health Regen in combat by 15%162被動
金剛狼Wolverine戰鬥中開始生命恢復的間隔減少50%Health regen activates 50% faster during combat162被動
鋼鐵外殼Steel Shell提升10%護甲Increases Armor by 10%181被動
巨石The Rock不會被敵人擊倒了Enemies cannot knock you down201被動
不滅之軀Indestructible減少10%所有受到的傷害Reduce all incoming damage by 10%201被動


一共有12種技能分支,使用對應技能分支的能力可以取得相應熟練度經驗,以提升技能等級。到達相應技能等級會解鎖相關技能成長獎勵,技能等級上限將為目前的對應主屬性值。 例如,反應為10點時,不斷使用步槍可提升步槍技能等級,每級將會解鎖技能成長獎勵,上限為10級。



神槍手Gunslinger手槍或左輪手槍的裝填時間減少10%Reduces reload time for pistols and revolvers by 10%13被動
午時已到High Noon手槍或左輪手槍的暴擊率增加4%Increases crit chance with pistols and revolvers by 4%13被動
赤膽屠龍Rio Bravo手槍或左輪手槍的爆頭傷害倍數增加10%Increases headshot damage multiplier with pistols and revolvers by 10%13被動
亡命之徒Desperado手槍或左輪手槍的傷害增加3%Increases damage with pistols and revolvers by 3%13被動
急速出槍On the Fly手槍或左輪手槍的抬槍速度減少25%Reduces draw/holster time of pistols and revolvers by 25%72被動
遠射得分Long Shot Drop pop手槍或左輪手槍對5米以外的敵人造成的傷害增加15%Increases the damage with pistols and revolvers to enemies 5+ meters away by 15%72被動
穩定瞄準Steady hand手槍或左輪手槍的後坐力減少30%Reduces Pistol and Revolver recoil by 30%91被動
趕盡殺絕O.K. corral手槍或左輪手槍對生命低於25%的敵人傷害提升50%Deal 50% more damage with pistols and revolvers to enemies whose health is below 25%91被動
滅點Vanishing Point裝備手槍或左輪手槍時,躲閃後6秒內迴避率增加25%Evasion increases by 25% for 6 sec. after performing a dodge with a pistol or revolver equipped91被動
荒野鏢客A Fistfull of Eurodollars手槍或左輪手槍的暴擊傷害增加10%Increases crit damage with pistols and revolvers by 10%112被動
從頭到腳From head to toe手槍或左輪手槍對四肢造成的傷害增加7%Increases damage to limbs with pistols and revolvers by 7%112被動
大結局Grand Finale手槍或左輪手槍每個彈夾中最後1發子彈可以造成雙倍傷害The last round in a pistol or revolver clip deals double damage121被動
體操隊員Acrobat使用手槍或左輪手槍瞄準時,也可以躲閃了You can now perform dodges while aiming with a pistol or revolver121被動
狂野西部Wild West手槍或左輪手槍射擊遠距離目標時不再受到傷害懲罰了Removes the damage penalty from pistols and revolvers when shooting from a distance141被動
消耗戰Attritional fire使用手槍或左輪手槍對同一個目標連續射擊時,傷害增加10%Firing consecutivge shots with a pistol or revolver at the same target increases damage by 10%141被動
滾雪球Snowball Effect使用手槍或左輪手槍了結一個敵人後,射速在6秒內提升5%,效果可最多疊加5次After defeating an enemy fire rate (cycle time) for handguns receives a 5% boost for 6 seconds. Stacks up 5 times161被動
西部世界Westworld當前使用的手槍或左輪手槍每安裝一個模組,暴擊率增加10%Increases Crit Chance by 10% for each mod installed on the handgun you』re using.161被動
鉛彈海綿Lead Sponge在躲閃中也可以使用手槍或左輪手槍射擊了Enables you to shoot with pistols and revovlers while dodging181被動
黃金三鏢客The good, the bad and the ugly使用手槍或左輪手槍暴擊後5秒內,傷害和護甲都增加30%After a successful crit with a pistol or a revolver, damage and armor increase by 30% for 5 sec201被動
動動腦子Brainpower使用手槍或左輪手槍爆頭後5秒內,暴擊率增加25%After a successful headshot with a pistol or revolver, Crit chances increases by 25% for 5 sec201被動




鷹眼Eagle Eye步槍或衝鋒槍的開鏡時間減少10%Reduces the time to aim down sight with Rifles and SMG by 10%13被動
掩護射擊Covering Killshot在掩體後使用步槍或衝鋒槍時,暴擊率增加10%Increases crit chance with Rifles and SMG by 10% when firing from behind cover52被動
劊子手Executioner敵人生命低於50%時,步槍或衝鋒槍對他的傷害增加25%Deal 25% more damage with Rifles and SMG to enemies whose health is above 50%71被動
速度獵手Quick Hunter步槍或衝鋒槍對移動中的敵人造成的傷害增加10%Increases Rifle and SMG damage to moving enemies by 10%92被動
鋼鐵意志Nerves of Steel使用狙擊槍或精密步槍爆頭時傷害增加20%Increases headshot damage with sniper rifles and precision rifles by 20%112被動
如絲順滑Feel the Flow突擊步槍或衝鋒槍的裝填時間減少10%Reduces reload time for Assault Rifles and SMG by 10%112被動
獵人之手Hunter』s Hands在掩體後使用步槍或衝鋒槍時,後坐力減少20%Reduces recoil with Rifles and SMG by 20% when firing from behind cover122被動
壕溝戰Trench Warfare在掩體後使用步槍或衝鋒槍時,傷害增加5%Increases Rifle and SMG damage by 5% when firing from behind cover122被動
槍出有名Named Bullets步槍或衝鋒槍的暴擊傷害增加35%Increases crit damage with Rifles and SMG by 35%141被動
骷髏船長Skull Skipper使用步槍或衝鋒槍爆頭後10秒內,後坐力減少5%,此效果最多可疊加5次Each headshot reduces recoil with Rifle and SMG by 5% for 10 sec. Stacks up to 5 times141被動
地堡Bunker在掩體後使用步槍或衝鋒槍時,護甲和抗性增加15%Increases armor and resistances by 15% when shooting with Rifle and SMG from behind cover161被動
反沖控制Recoil Wrangler步槍或衝鋒槍的後坐力減少10%Reduces recoil with Rifles and SMG by 10%161被動
遠距射擊Long Shot步槍或衝鋒槍射擊越遠的目標,傷害越高Rifle and SMG damage increases the farther you are located from enemies181被動
無所遁形In Perspective步槍或衝鋒槍的子彈會多反彈2次Bullets fired from Rifles and SMG ricochet an additional 2 time(s)181被動
堅忍野人Savage Stoic在靜止站立時,步槍或衝鋒槍的傷害增加45%Increases damage with Rifles and SMG by 45% when standing still201被動
懲戒者Punisher使用步槍或衝鋒槍了結敵人後10秒內,准心不會搖擺且彈道不會擴散After defeating an enemy with a Rifle or SMG, weapon sway is nullified and weapon spread does not increases for 10 sec201被動


血液製品Bloodware快速駭入造成10%的額外傷害Quickhacks deal 10% more damage13被動
生物合成 Biosynergy在戰鬥中,每10秒回復1單元的記憶體Allow RAM to recover during combat. Recover 1 RAM unit(s) every 10 seconds13被動
駭客手冊Hacker』s Manual解鎖不一般的駭入Unlock diagrams for crafting uncommon hacks51被動
我,間諜I Spy在你被駭入時,顯示敵方駭客Reveal an enemy netrunner when they attempt to hack you51被動
勿忘我Forget-me-not中文Eliminating a target affected by a quickhack instantly recovers 1 RAM unit(s)51被動
薄弱環節Weak link減少一單元快速駭入需要的義肢記憶體Reduces the required cyberware ram for quickhacks used on devices by 1 unit(s)73被動
雛菊花環Daisy chain中文Eliminating a target that wass quickhacked instantly reduces the cooldown for other active quickhacks by 10%73被動
信號支援Signal support延長30%快速駭入的持續時間Increasess quickhack duration by 30%92被動
潛意識資訊Subliminal message快速駭入對未警覺的敵人造成額外50%的傷害Quickhacks do 50% more damage to unaware target112被動
擴散Diffusion快速駭入的範圍延長一倍Quickhack spread distance is increased by 2 times121被動
記憶術Mnemonic使用快速駭入對抗已經受到快速駭入影響的敵人時,減少1單元記憶體的開銷Reduces the cost of quickhacks against an enemy already affected by quickhacks by 1 RAM units121被動
School of hard hacks解鎖先進的駭入Unlock diagrams for crafting advanced hacks121被動
血小板Plaque快速駭入可以多擴散一個目標Quickhacks that spread can jump to 1 additional target141被動
臨界誤差Critical error快速駭入現在可以基於暴擊率造成暴擊傷害Quickhacks can now deal crit damage based on your crit chance and crit damage stats161被動
駭客之王Hacker overlord解鎖專業的快速駭入Unlock diagrams for crafting specialized quickhacks161被動
回憶Anamnesis可用的義肢記憶體不能降低至1單元以下Available cyberware RAM cannot drop below 1 unit181被動
最優化Optimization減少1單元快速駭入所需的記憶體Reduces the cost of quickhacks by 1 RAM unit(s)203被動
巴特莫斯的遺產Bartmoss』 legacy解鎖傑出的快速駭入Unlock diagrams for crafting superior quickhacks201被動
記憶體解放大師Master Ram Liberator提升記憶體回復速率Increases RAM recovery rate by 50% . +1% per perk point.201被動
硬核混蛋Hard Motherfucker進入戰鬥的十秒內,提升10%的護甲和抗性When entering combat, armor and resistance increase by 10% for 10 sec201被動


就快成了!Almost In!設備駭入持續時間增加20%Increases the breach time for Breach Protocol by 20%12被動
巨大弱點Mass Vulnerability解鎖Mass Vulnerability程式,3分鐘內連線的敵人物理抗性下降30%Unlocks the Mass Vulnerability daemon, which reduces physical resistance for all enemies in the network for 30% for 3 min.12被動
擴充網路交互Extended Network Interface自動高亮附近的接入點Automatically highlights nearby access points71被動
資料採擷大師Datamine Mastermind升級資料採擷程式,從接入點取得的部件增加50%Upgrade the datamine daemon, increasing the amount of components acquired from Access Points by 50%92被動
炮台鎖閉Turret Shutdown解鎖機槍炮台關閉程式,3分鐘內連線的保全機槍炮台停止工作Unlocks the Turret Shutdown daemon, which disables security turrets in the network for 3 min92被動
全面召回Total RecallICEpick幕後程式使得所有駭入的成本減少1個RAM單位The ICEpick daemon reduces all quickhack costs by an additional 1 RAM unit(s)111被動
巨大弱點:抵抗Mass Vulnerability: Resistance升級Mass Vulnerability程式,3分鐘內連線的敵人全部抗性下降30%Upgrades the Mass Vulnerability daemon, reducing all resistances for enemies in the network by 30%111被動
資料採擷宗師Datamine Virtuoso升級資料採擷程式,從接入點取得quickhack的機會上升50%Upgrades the datamine daemon, increasing the chance to acquire a quickhack from access points by 50%122被動
馴炮師Turret Tamer解鎖機槍控制程式,3分鐘內連線的機槍變為友方Unlocks the turret tamer daemon, which sets the status of every turret in the network to friendly for 3 min122被動
效率精進Efficiency在同一個破解協議中上傳3個或以上後台,將使得RAM回復速度在60秒內增加3個單元Uploading 3 or more daemons in the same breach protocol increases cyberdeck RAM recovery rate by 3 unit(s) per 60 sec. Lasts 5 min142被動
更全面的召回Totaler RecallICEpick後台使得所有快速駭入的成本額外減少1個RAM單元The ICEpick daemon reduces all quickhack costs by an additional 1 RAM unit(s)161被動
巨大弱點:快速駭入Mass Vulnerability: Quick hacks升級巨大弱點後台,使得連線的敵人從快速駭入中承受30%額外傷害Upgrades the Mass Vulnerability daemon, causing enemies in the network to also take 30% more damage from quickhacks161被動
轉生Transmigration設備駭入持續時間增加50%Increases the breach time of Breach protocol by 50%161被動
快速啟動Head start進入戰鬥時,自動上傳清單上的第一個後台。後台上傳速度在開始的10秒提升20%When entering combat, your Automatically uploads the first dameon in the list a the start of Breach protocol movement speed increases by 20% for 10 sec181被動
程式設計馬拉松Hackaton在同一個破解協議中上傳3個或以上後台,將使快速駭入的CD在五分鐘內減少33%Uploading 3 or more dameons in the same breach protocol shortens quickhack cooldowns by 33% for 5 min181被動
緩存優化Buffer Optimization程式效果持續時間延長100%Increases the duration of daemon effects by 100%201被動
檔案壓縮Compression使得後台上傳所需的序列數量減少1。無法被減少到2以下Reduces the lengths of the sequences required to upload daemons by 1. Cannot be reduced below 2202被動



冷血Cold Blood每擊敗1個敵人,取得10秒冷血並增加2%movement,最多1層冷血After defeating an enemy, gain Cold Blood for 10 seconds and increase movement by 2%. Stacks up to 1 times.13被動
求生意志Will to Survive每層冷血增加2.5%的全抗性Increases all resistances per stack of Cold Blood by 2.5%52被動
冰寒靜脈 Icy Veins每層冷血減少2.5%的武器後坐力Reduces weapon recoil by 2.5% per stack of Cold Blood52被動
寒霜突觸 Frosty Synapses每層冷血減少3%的快速駭客冷卻時間Reduces quickhack cooldowns per stack of Cold Blood by 3%72被動
危篤狀態 Critical Condition增加5秒冷血持續時間Increases duration of Cold Blood by 5 seconds72被動
血凝為甲 Defensive Clotting每層冷血增加1%護甲Increases armor by 1% per stack of Cold Blood92被動
極速血流 Rapid Bloodflow每層冷血增加生命恢復速度?.5%(戰鬥中與戰鬥外)Increase health regen inside and outside combat by ?.5% per stack of Cold Blood ※(0.5%還是5%不確定)92被動
精準霜寒 Frozen Precision增加50%的爆頭傷害Increases headshot damage by 50%111被動
最冷的血 Coldest Blood增加1層最大冷血層數Increases max stack amount for Cold Blood by 1111被動
冷血格鬥 Blood Brawl冷血啟動時,近戰武器傷害增加5%When Cold Blood is active, increases damage with melee weapons by 5%122被動
獵食者 Predator每層冷血增加1%攻速Increases attack speed by 1% per stack of Cold Blood122被動
快速轉移 Quick Transfer每層冷血減少1%快速駭客上傳時間Reduces quickhack upload time by 1% per stack of Cold Blood122被動
寒冷與計算 Cold and Calculating暴擊時有25%的幾率增加1層冷血Landing a Crit Hit has a 25% chance of applying a stack of Cold Blood141被動
血脹 Bloodswell生命降到45%時,自動啟動最大層數的冷血When health reaches 45%, a max stack of Cold Blood is automatically activated141被動
牢不可破 Unbreakable增加1層最大冷血層數Increases max stack of Cold Blood by 1161被動
凝血劑 Coolagulant冷血層數減少時,改為逐級遞減,而不再是一次清空Stacks of Cold Blood are removed one by one, rather than all at once161被動
苦痛皆幻 Pain is an Illusion冷血啟動時,減傷5%When Cold Blood is active, reduces damage taken by 5%181被動
免疫力 Immunity冷血啟動時,免疫流血、毒素、燃燒、震撼效果When Cold Blood is active, you are immune to bleeding, poison, burn and shock201被動
心無慈悲者 Merciless冷血啟動時,增加10%暴擊幾率,增加25%暴擊傷害When Cold Blood is active, increase crit chance by 10% and crit damage by 25%202被動



技師 Mechanic分解時取得更多零件Gain more components when disassembling11被動
廢舊回收商 Scrapper自動分解垃圾物品Junk items automatically disassembled51被動
真正的匠人 True Craftsman可以製造稀有級別的物品Allows you to craft Rare items51被動
工坊 Workshop分解時有5%的幾率取得1個同分解物品等級的零件(※不確定是否是額外取得的)Disassembling items grants a 5% chance to gain a free component of the same quality as the disassembled item73被動
工兵 Sapper製作的手雷增加10%傷害Crafted grenades deal 10% more damage92被動
創新 Innovation製作的消耗品效果持續時間延長25%Effects from crafted consumables last 25% longer92被動
戰地工程師 Field Technician製作的武器增加2.5%傷害Crafted Weapons deal 2.5% more damage112被動
事半功倍 200% Efficiency製作的服裝增加2.5%護甲Crafted clothes gain 2.5 percent more armor112被動
無中生有 Ex Nihilo20%的幾率免費製作1個物品Grants 20% chance to craft an item for free121被動
機械修理工 Grease Monkey可以製作史詩級別的物品Allows you to craft Epic items121被動
高效提升 Efficient Upgrades10%的幾率免費升級物品Grants 10% chance to upgrade items for free121被動
成本最優化 Cost Optimization製作物品時零件需求量減少15%Reduces component cost of crafting items by 15%142被動
此處有光 Let There Be Light升級物品時零件需求量減少10%Reduces the component cost of upgrading by 10%142被動
調整 Tune Up升級物品時零件需求量減少10%Reduces the component cost of upgrading by 10%161被動
儉以防匱 Waste Not Want Not分解物品時,可以把物品上安裝的模組回收When disassembling an item, you get attached mods back161被動
傳奇締造者 Iconoclast可以製作傳說和Iconic級別的物品Allows you to craft Legendary and Iconic items181被動
瘋狂科學 Crazy Science製作的物品賣出價格增加10%Increases sale price of crafted items by 10%202被動
尖端技術 Cutting Edge製作的傳說級別物品屬性提升5%Crafted Legendary items get one stat improved by 5%201被動



臥虎 Crouching Tiger潛行時增加20%移動速度Increases movement speed while sneaking by 20%11被動
致命無聲 Silent and Deadly潛行時無聲武器的傷害增加25%Increase all damage by silent weapons 25% while sneaking11被動
飛刀雜耍者 Dagger Dealer可以扔飛刀Allows you to throw knives51被動
藏龍 Hidden Dragon可以對一個未警覺的目標作出致命或非致命擊倒動作Allows you to do a lethal or nonlethal aerial takedown on unaware targets51被動
刺客 Assassin對人類敵人提高15傷害%Deal 15% more damage to human enemies71被動
抬腿 Leg Up擊倒目標10秒內移動速度增加30%Movement speed after a takedown is increased by 30% for 10 seconds71被動
暗影突襲 Strike from the Shadows潛行時增加15%暴擊幾率Increases your crit chance by 15% while sneaking71被動
狙擊手 Sniper未進入戰鬥時的爆頭增加30%傷害Increases damage from headshots fired from outside combat by 30%92被動
割喉者 Cutthroat飛刀增加30%傷害Throwing knives deal 30% more damage92被動
乾淨俐落 Clean Work擊倒目標後可以立即抬起目標You can pick up an enemy’s body immediately after a takedown111被動
目盲狂怒 Blind Fury你將不會被致盲You cannot be blinded111被動
暈眩攻擊 Stunning Blows近戰攻擊時,有機會抓住使用遠端武器的趔趄敵人(※不確定)Quick melee attacks with ranged weapons stagger enemies, giving you an opportunity to grapple them111被動
幽靈 Ghost偵測時間增加20%Detection time is increased by 20%122被動
來自暗影 From the shadows剛進入戰鬥7秒內,暴擊幾率增加25%Upon entering combat, crit chance increases by 25% for 7 seconds122被動
毒牙 Venemous Fangs所有的飛刀帶有毒屬性All knives apply poison141被動
響尾蛇 Rattlesnake中毒的敵人會被減速Enemies affected by poison are slowed141被動
突擊隊 Commando在水下時你不會被偵測到You cannot be detected underwater141被動
沉默的收割者 Silent Finisher當敵人生命少於25%時,飛刀可以立即解決他們,但是對致命等級的敵人無效Enemies with less than 25% health are defeated instantly by thrown knives. Does not work on enemies with a Lethal threat level161被動
致命無聲 Silent and Deadly潛行時無聲武器的傷害增加25%Increases damage dealt by silent weapons by 25% while sneaking161被動
迅速撤離 Hasty Retreat被敵人發現時,5秒內臨時增加50%移動速度Temporarily boost movement speed by 50% for 5 seconds when detected by an enemy161被動
神經毒素 Neurotoxin雙倍毒傷Poison damage is doubled181被動
唯快不破 Hasten the Inevitable對中毒的敵人多造成20%的傷害Deal 20% more damage to enemies affected by poison181被動
假死 Cheat Death當生命下降到50%時,10秒內減少50%傷害,每分鐘最多觸發1次When your health drops below 50%, reduce all incoming damage by 50% for 10 seconds. Cannot occur more than once per minute181被動
忍術 Ninjutsu潛行時使用近戰武器必定暴擊且額外造成100%的傷害Sneak attacks with melee weapons deal 100% more damage and guarantee a crit hit201被動
毒藥學 Toxicology敵人中毒時間延長5秒Increases the duration of poison applied to enemies by 5 seconds



防爆盾Blast Shielding受到的爆炸傷害減少10%Reduced damage from explosions by 10%13被動
零件搜刮者Mech Looter搜刮機器人、無人機、機甲類敵人時有25%的幾率爆出武器模組或部件When looting robots, drones and mechs, there is a 25% chance of looting a weapon mod or attachment13被動
擲彈手 Grenadier可以看到手雷的爆炸範圍(※大概是扔出前)The explosion radius of grenades is visible51被動
片葉不沾身 Can’t Touch This不會被自己的手雷炸傷Grants immunity to your own grenades51被動
榴霰彈 Shrapnel所有類型的手雷效果增加20點傷害All grenade types deal 20 damage in addition to their normal effects71被動
銀翼殺手 Bladerunner對機械敵人額外造成20%傷害Increases damage to mechanical enemies by 20%92被動
數到11 Up to 11技術武器可以充能到75%了(※不確定)Allows you to charge tech weapons up to 75% capacity92被動
鎖定! 裝填! Lock and Load智慧型武器裝彈速度提升5%Increases Smart Weapon reload speed by 5%92被動
藝術就是爆炸 Bigger Booms手雷傷害提升5%Grenades deal 5% more damage115被動
十萬伏特 Lightning Bolt技術武器暴擊幾率提升3%Increases crit chance with tech weapons by 3%123被動
特斯拉再世 Tesla增加技術武器的charge modifier 25%Increase the charge modifier for tech weapons by 25%123被動
槍械之友 Gun Whisperer技術武器充能滿時不會自動射擊了Fully-charged tech weapons do not shoot automatically141被動
絕緣 Insulation免疫震盪效果Grants immunity to shock141被動
超載充能 Ubercharge充能滿的技術武器額外造成50%傷害Fully charged tech weapons deal 50% more damage141被動
牆壁粉碎者 Fuck All Walls技術武器的射速提升50%Tech Weapons discharge 50% faster161被動
簡單的幾何學 Play the Angles跳彈傷害提升50%(※濺射?)Richochets deal and additional 50% damage161被動
極速裝填 Lickety Split技術武器裝填時間減少15%Tech weapon reload time is reduced by 15%182被動
超導體 Superconductor技術武器可以無視敵人的護甲Tech weapons ignore armor201被動
頭等獎! Jackpot手雷會隨機出現暴擊效果Grenades can now randomly deal critical hits201被動
技術專精 perk技術武器傷害提升25%,充能傷害提升10%Increases damage from tech weapons by 25%. Charge damage is increased by 10%.202被動



咫尺之距In your face降低20%霰彈槍和輕機槍裝填時間Reduces reload time of shotguns and Light Machine Guns by 20%12被動
槍林彈雨Hail of bullets霰彈槍和輕機槍造成3%額外傷害Increases Crit Damafe by 60% for 10sec, after entering combat13被動
打起精神!Pump it, louder降低10%霰彈槍和輕機槍後坐力Reduces recoil of shotguns and light machine guns by 10%12被動
中心開花 Dead Cnter對軀幹傷害提升10%Increases damage to torsos by 10%72被動
嗜血狂奔 Bloodrush當攜帶霰彈槍和輕機槍時,提升5%戰鬥中移動速度Increases movement speed in combat by 5% while carrying a shotgun or light machine gun72被動
推土機 Bulldozer提升10%霰彈槍和輕機槍的暴擊率Increases movement speed in combat by 5% while carrying a shotgun or light machine gun91被動
屠殺 Massacre增加15%霰彈槍和輕機槍暴擊傷害Increases Crit Damage with Shotguns and Light Machine Guns by 15%113被動
重鉛 Heavy lead霰彈槍和輕機槍可以更強力的反擊Shotguns and light machine guns knock back enemies with more force121被動
飛碟打靶 Skeet Shooter對移動中的敵人造成15%額外傷害Deal 15% more damage to moving targets121被動
焚燒殆盡 Burn Baby Burn燃燒的持續時間翻倍Doubles the duration of Burn161被動
痛擊要害 Hit the Deck對退縮和倒地的敵人提升10%傷害Increases damages to a staggered and knocked-down enemies by 10%181被動



主宰Juggernaut使用鈍器格擋時提升15%護甲Increases Armor by 15% while blocking with a Blunt Weapon12被動
籍機攻擊Opportune Strike使用鈍器攻擊暈眩狀態下敵人時傷害提升50%Increases Crit Damafe by 60% for 10sec, after entering combat11被動
粉碎攻擊 Crushing Blows鈍器重擊傷害提升30%Increases damage from Strong Attacks with Blunt Weapons by 30%13被動
人肉堡壘 Human Fortress用鈍器格擋時減少50%體力消耗Reduces the Stamina cost of blocking attacks by 50% while using a Blunt Weapon83被動
鞭打 Thrash鈍器重攻擊將降低目標護甲30%,持續10秒Strong Attacks with Blunt Weapons reduce the target’s Armor by 30% for 10 sec151被動
狂暴 Frenzy擊敗一名敵人後提升100%鈍器傷害10秒Defeating an enemy increases damage with Blunt Weapons by 100% for 10 sec151被動
忍耐之時 Biding Time以鈍器格擋時回復5%生命值Blocking attacks with a Blunt Weapon restores 5% Health182觸發
遊擊隊Guerrilla進入戰鬥的10秒內,提升60%暴擊傷害Increases Crit Damafe by 60% for 10sec, after entering combat201被動

電馭叛客2077 (Cyberpunk 2077) 攻略彙整目錄

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